Why No-Follow Links Should Be Part of Your Link Strategy

In the SEO world, you’ll often hear people talking about two kinds of links. These are “follow” links, and “no-follow” links.

Because the humble no-follow link doesn’t pass on “link juice” or “page rank”, is often sidelined in SEO strategies.

But in sidelining the no-follow link, I believe web marketers are making a huge mistake: we are forgetting the true value inherent in any link, and we are ignoring what should actually be an important cornerstone of any link-building strategy. Let me explain…

Why Your Business Should NOT Have an eBook… Yet

One of the more recent crazes in the online marketing world is eBooks.

The idea behind it goes something like this. You write a PDF booklet with handy hints or tips designed to give readers some valuable information. To get it, they surrender their name and email address to you. You get their details for email marketing purposes, they get your book, and boom! – a wonderful relationship is born.

Or at least, that’s the theory…

It’s Time to Give Your Title Tags a Spring Clean (or an Autumn Makeover)

Google’s gone and changed things. Again. 

The latest change that Australia’s favourite search engine has made is aesthetic. Have you noticed? The appearance of the search results pages has been altered. Which means that, for the sake of Human Optimisation, it’s time to give your title tags a spring clean. (Or, for those among you who currently live south of the equator like me, it’s time to give your title tags an autumn makeover.) 

My Website Turn-offs: How to make me hate your website.

Why is this strange guy writing on the Brisbane Copywriter website?

Your friendly neighbourhood copywriter (that’s Emily if you didn’t know already) recently posted the following on her Facebook page:

SURVEY: What’s your PET PEEVE when it comes to websites? Do you hate extra long forms, having to create super crazy long passwords, pop-ups, or something else? Let me know!

I thought for a while and couldn’t really narrow it down to one. So like how Gimli (son of Gloin) asked the Elven Lady Galadriel for a hair from her head (only to receive three), Emily asked for a pet peeve, and I gave her ten. Then just like in Jurassic park, the gender roles were reversed too but that’s fairly irrelevant for this story.

Emily asked if I would do a guest post here. So I did.

Is Your Website Human Optimised?

SEO is important. Very important. But it isn’t everything.

Sweet-talking Google is great, but Google won’t pay you money, it won’t use your services, and it won’t subscribe to your newsletter.

Humans might. The trick is to ensure they do.

Human optimisation is the art of ensuring that people stay on your website and do whatever it is you want them to do there. Is your website human optimised?