Getting Paid – a Guide for Freelancers

So you’ve quoted your first client, and they’ve accepted. You just finished the job. Your client loves what you’ve done for them. They’ve even offered to write you a testimonial – without being asked. Now it’s time to send an invoice using your invoicing software of choice (I use FreshBooks). But before you do, you need to decide – how will you get your client to pay you?

Why Your Business Should NOT Have an eBook… Yet

One of the more recent crazes in the online marketing world is eBooks.

The idea behind it goes something like this. You write a PDF booklet with handy hints or tips designed to give readers some valuable information. To get it, they surrender their name and email address to you. You get their details for email marketing purposes, they get your book, and boom! – a wonderful relationship is born.

Or at least, that’s the theory…

The Art of Invoicing – A Guide for Solopreneurs

As I navigate the crazy adventure of owning and running my own business, one skill I’ve had to learn is the art of invoicing.

Invoicing is like getting your wisdom teeth out – it can be a real headache, but it’s a necessary part of life for many of us. (At least, it’s a necessary part of life if you’re a freelancer or solopreneur and you want to get paid.)

Thankfully, with a bit of know-how and best practice, invoicing can go from being a migraine of the give-me-general-anaesthetic variety to becoming a panadol-manageable affair. Occasionally, it can even be headache-free. So for all you solopreneurs and budding freelancers out there, here’s what I’ve learnt about invoicing.