My Clients And Where They Come From: 2014

Have you ever wondered what sort of businesses pay for copywriting?

Have you ever wondered what industries I specialise in writing for?

And have you ever wondered where copywriting clients come from, anyway?

I sure have!

As 2014 draws to an end, I thought I’d take a look at my copywriting clients this year, and see if I could categorise them. I also wanted to know where they came from.

Now, I’m sharing the results with you. So here they are…

Getting Paid – a Guide for Freelancers

So you’ve quoted your first client, and they’ve accepted. You just finished the job. Your client loves what you’ve done for them. They’ve even offered to write you a testimonial – without being asked. Now it’s time to send an invoice using your invoicing software of choice (I use FreshBooks). But before you do, you need to decide – how will you get your client to pay you?

Happy Time – The Perks of Freelance Life

The freelance life isn’t all piña coladas in the sunshine. And the fact that it isn’t has nothing to do with the fact that I don’t drink piña coladas.

I’ve covered the unglamorous aspects of freelancing before. I can assure you that this difficult and scary side of freelancing is all too real, and I’m sure I’ll write many more posts on the topic in the future.

However, there are also many perks to the freelance life, and it can be easy to take these positives for granted when they’re part of your day-to-day reality. I realised recently that this was something I needed to be careful to avoid, so here’s a happy post outlining some of the positives I enjoy as a freelance copywriter, all of which I’m incredibly grateful for!

The Art of Invoicing – A Guide for Solopreneurs

As I navigate the crazy adventure of owning and running my own business, one skill I’ve had to learn is the art of invoicing.

Invoicing is like getting your wisdom teeth out – it can be a real headache, but it’s a necessary part of life for many of us. (At least, it’s a necessary part of life if you’re a freelancer or solopreneur and you want to get paid.)

Thankfully, with a bit of know-how and best practice, invoicing can go from being a migraine of the give-me-general-anaesthetic variety to becoming a panadol-manageable affair. Occasionally, it can even be headache-free. So for all you solopreneurs and budding freelancers out there, here’s what I’ve learnt about invoicing.

4 Reasons the Freelance Life can Suck

I’m not going to lie – there are plenty of advantages to freelance work.

But there are also several disadvantages.

So, before you toss away your corporate role with your guaranteed pay packet, regular hours, Friday night co-worker functions, and other perks, I invite you to join me as I consider some of the disadvantages of freelance life…

7 Non-Writing Skills You Need to be a Successful Freelance Copywriter

To be a successful copywriter, you need to be a concise, clear, clever, creative writer.

You must be able to write using all sorts of “voices”, you need a sound knowledge of grammar rules (and an understanding of when to bend them), and flawless spelling (or the ability to navigate a dictionary).


But if writing skills are all you have, then chances are the freelance copywriting life is not for you. This is a list of seven non-writing skills I’ve found I needed in order to enjoy success as a copywriter working the freelance lifestyle.