
Video Calls & Video Conferencing: Have you Tried

When it comes to making personal or business video calls, there’s a newish kid on the block –

I first noticed Zoom had arrived in the neighbourhood this past week, when I participated in a five-way Zoom video conference to discuss a new project.

Zoom’s a lot like the other kids in the area – Skype and Google Hangouts. All three offer free accounts and free communication via messaging, voice and video (you just pay for your data/wi-fi and electricity). They also all offer these services in HD sound and video, and have applications for mobile and tablet users.

But there are a few things about Zoom that are a little different. Things that I liked. Things that you might like…

Why Blog? 4 Reasons Blogging is Important for Every Business

Today I thought I’d write about something important.

No, I’m not referring to the awful dilemma I faced yesterday when forced to choose between the blue dress and the purple dress (though that was dramatic). This is something even more important.

‘What could be more important?’ you ask. Let me give you a clue. It starts with ‘b’, and it ends with ‘logging’. No, I’m not talking about deforestation in the Amazon (though that is important).

I’m talking about blogging.

Googling Yourself – A Beginner’s Guide

Upon reading the heading, which of the following options best describes your initial reaction:

A) ‘Ohhh yes I’ve always wondered how to Google myself – this is just what I needed!’
B) ‘Why the heck would I need a guide to GOOGLING myself?! That is, like, the simplest thing EVER. Seriously.’
C) ‘These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.’
D) ‘Isn’t it “Googleing”?’

Regardless of whether you chose ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’, if you want to learn how Googling yourself can be an entirely reasonable and business-sound activity, then this is the post for you… 

Your Basic “Basic SEO Guide”

‘I’ve heard of SEO, and I’ve heard that I need it. But what the hell is it all about and how do I get it?’

It’s a common question; almost as common as ‘where do babies come from?’

But today’s your lucky day, because today, your friendly Brisbane Copywriter – that’s me – has the answer for you. (The answer to the SEO question, that is, not the baby one.)

So, without further ado (and certainly without any more origin-of-babies questions), may I present to you your basic “Basic Guide to SEO”…