A true story of international romance and un-work
The freelance life is a life like no other – especially in the flexibility and freedom department.
As a solo business owner, I’ve worked from home, from cafes, from the library, from hotels, on the road, from coworking spaces, and even onsite at my clients’ premises. And I’ve been able to take care of clients while holidaying in four states and three countries. I may be a Brisbane copywriter, but I’ve also been a Brisbane-Hobart copywriter while visiting my family, and a Brisbane-Nottingham copywriter sending a blog to a client while holidaying in the UK.
This flexibility and freedom takes some getting used to, and every freelancer quickly learns that they need to put rules in place to prevent work from becoming a 24-7 endeavour.
The fun part, of course, is that you can break those rules when you want to; for example, by working overtime on the weekend so you can visit Movie World on a Monday (no lines for your favourite rides – winner!).
More recently, the flexibility of my freelancing life allowed me to date my husband, James.
Yup. You read that right. Basically, freelancing helped me get married.
But, it also ultimately meant I had to fire myself.