Networking Connexions – Brisbane Business Networking Group

Emily Read Copywriter is a member of Networking Connexions – and you should be too!

Networking Connexions is a Brisbane-based business networking group run by business owners for business owners. All our members are successful Brisbane business people with a common goal – "developing business together". To achieve this goal, we focus on providing quality business education and facilitating the passing of quality, qualified referrals between our members and guests.

How is Networking Connexions different?

Networking Connexions is a formal business networking group, but the way we operate is a little different from most networking groups you’ve been to in the past.

To begin with, Networking Connexions is an incorporated association. This means that no one person “owns” the group. Instead, we work together to support one another’s businesses.

Although an executive committee takes care of our day-to-day administration, almost all decisions about the group are made by the group. We’re able to do this successfully because our members get to know one another and develop professional relationships based on mutual respect and trust.  

Our meetings are more relaxed than many other networking groups and we love to have some fun along the way. But we’re still serious about working towards our goal to develop business together. As such, we organise relevant and quality education presentations for each meeting (no pitch fests), set goals, and track our progress by recording referrals, closed business, guest numbers, and "coffee connexions" (meetings between members). 

And because we want to make our business networking group accessible to everyone, we keep our membership fees ridiculously low.

Visit our next meeting

Networking Connexions meets together on the first and third Thursday of every month, starting at 3:00pm and finishing by 4:30.

Meetings follow the following format:

  • Welcome
  • Testimonials
  • 1 minute business talks (introduce yourself, your business and your ideal referral for the week)
  • Business education
  • Group statistics
  • Formal passing and recording of referrals, connexions and closed business

If you're interested in learning more about our Brisbane business networking group, why not come along? Guests are welcome to attend a total of three meetings without joining, and we'd love to see you there! 

Find details for our next meeting and RSVP to attend here


I love attending Networking Connexions meetings because it gives me the opportunity to spend time with like-minded, successful business owners (and combat the isolation of running a business), receive quality business education to improve my business (and even my profits), and share and receive quality business referrals (no cold leads!). Being a member of Networking Connexions has helped me grow personally and professionally. It’s like being part of a business family!

Emily Read

Copywriter and owner - Emily Read Copywriter.

Networking Connexions meetings not only help my business (Desketing, a design and marketing agency), but have also educated me with valuable knowledge from different industries. I am glad to be a part of this group!


Director, Desketing